Can you believe it's 2012? Where did the past year go?!?
During the holidays, like most, my time was spent enjoying family. I put the blog aside as this was my youngest grandson's very first Christmas, as well as the first time I could enjoy my oldest grandson's Christmas. I had been spending way too much time on the Internet seeking deals instead of valuing what really mattered and was right in front of me. You can't get time back once it's lost.
While I love to share goodies with all, I've decided to spend much less time tapping away at this screen all day, every day. I'll still post deals, just not nearly as much as I was in the past. I'm really going to try hard this year to better manage my time and that means unplugging from the matrix every once in a while to smell the flowers!!!
I hope your holidays were full of love, peace and those that matter most.
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