$15 for $30 Worth of Eco-Friendly Sandals
Whereas walking a mile in another person’s shoes develops empathy, walking a mile in an astronaut’s shoes means you’re too far from the shuttle to be retrieved. Take a walk in earth-friendly footwear with today’s Groupon: for $15, you get $30 worth of 100% recyclable sandals from Okabashi online.
- Expires Dec 31, 2011
- Limit 2 per person.
- Limit 1 per visit.
- Valid online only at www.okabashi.com.
- Not valid towards shipping.
$50 for $100 Worth of Framed Art, Prints, and Posters
Without walls, art aficionados would have to sate their passion for aesthetic composition with real-life lily ponds, starlit cafés, and gooeylicious candy pocket watches. Keep sticky scenes at a safe distance with today's Groupon: for $50, you get $100 worth of posters, prints, and framing from
- Expires Mar 16, 2012
- Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as a gift.
- Limit 1 per order.
- Online only.
- Ships only within US.
- May redeem across visits.
$25, you get $55 worth of makeup
Makeup helps faces look more awake on groggy mornings, more ravishing on glittering evenings, and more shrub-like during jungle paintball battles. Wake up sleepy faces with today's Groupon to
Cattiva Cosmetics. Choose between the following options:
- For $25, you get $55 worth of makeup.
- For $50, you get $100 worth of makeup.
- Expires in 1 year
- Limit 1 per order.
- Valid only for option purchased.
- Not valid until 9/13/11
- Online only.
- Shipping not included.
$8 for One or Two St. Charles Avenue Streetcar Guidebooks
It's not uncommon for a resident to only explore a city's iconic sights when guests come to town or when practicing hypnosis in a mirror leads to amnesia. Get to know your city's history with today's Groupon from
Streetcar Guide New Orleans. Choose between the following options:
- For $8, you get one St. Charles Avenue streetcar guidebook online (a $15 value).
- For $14, you get two St. Charles Avenue streetcar guidebooks online (a $30 value).
- Expires Sep 17, 2012
- Not valid until 09/18/11.
- Valid only for option purchased.
- Online only.
- Shipping not included.
$15 for $30 Worth of Monogrammed Gifts
Personal monograms can embellish any item of clothing, providing a classy finish and putting an end to strangers calling you "Nike." Clarify your identity with today's Groupon: for $15, you get $30 worth of personalized gifts from
Boutique Me.
- Expires Mar 13, 2012
- Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as a gift.
- Limit 1 per order.
- Not valid until 9/13/11.
$15 for $50 Worth of Photo Books, Cards, and More
Without photographic evidence, it's hard to know if things such as aliens, Abraham Lincoln, or true love have ever existed. Package evidence of your own being for later generations to study with today's Groupon: for $15, you get $50 worth of photo books, cards, and more from
- Expires Mar 14, 2012
- Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as a gift.
- Limit 1 per visit.
- Valid online only. No cash value.
- Shipping not included.
- Not valid until 9/15/11.
- Not valid with other promotions or specials.
$14 for Star Naming Instant Gift Set ($29.90 Value)
Like young children, most inanimate objects can freely self-identify but are too afraid to expose their shoddy cursive handwriting. Give the gift of universal identity with today's Groupon: for $14, you get an
instant gift set plus, which includes the privilege to name your own star, courtesy of
Name A Star Live (a $29.90 value).
- Expires Jan 15, 2012
- Limit 1 per person, may buy multiple as gifts.
- Limit 1 per order.
- Online only.
$35 for $115 Worth of Keepsake Books from Photobook America
Often used for toting memorable subpoenas or slices of deli meat, books also make for handy spots to place noteworthy photos while ensuring minimal mold growth. Preserve images in a portable and rodent-repelling format with today’s Groupon: for $35, you get $115 worth of custom-designed photo books from
Photobook America. There is no limit on Groupon purchases, but only one book and any additional copies of that book may be ordered per transaction. This Groupon cannot be used toward shipping.
- Expires in 1 year
- Limit 1 Groupon per Photobook order.
- Not valid with other offers.
- Not valid before 9/14/11.
- Not valid toward shipping.
- Shipping only available in US. Taxes included.
$15 for $30 Worth of Designer Nail Polish
Without fingernails, humans would have to smash open soda cans on rocks and chew on pillows during scary episodes of
House. Reward multipurpose digits with today's Groupon: for $15, you get $30 worth of designer nail polish from
Lex Cosmetics. Shipping and handling, which starts at $5, is not included with today's deal.
- Expires Mar 14, 2012
- Limit 1 per person.
- Limit 1 per order.
- Not valid until 9/16/11.
- Online only.
- Not valid for sale items.
- Extra fee for shipping.