"Handy Bits of Information Just for You."
Use Coupons on trial sized items, when permitted, for free or extremely cheap items. If a coupon doesn't specifically state a size to purchase and doesn't word the coupon excluding trial size items, it's a go. You'd be surprised how many items are in my stockpile that were free because I took a minute at the store to glance over the travel section. Look for deodorant, laundry products, shampoo, razors and baby wipes just to name a few.
Toss silk plants in a plastic bag with salt and give them a toss to remove dust.
Use fabric softener sheets in your linen drawers, stored smelly gym shoes and under the car seat to keep items smelling fresh.
Add a dab of petroleum jelly to a toothbrush and exfoliate your lips.
Acne worse on one side of your face? Clean your cell phone more often & change the pillowcases.
Apply natural yogurt to your face for 15 minutes to help fight bacteria and refresh your skin.
For every negative you give a child, follow it with a positive. This is a simple one, but one we all as parents tend to forget. Children need to have their self esteem built up and it begins at home.
Clean a baby bottle better with a spoonful of rice and swish with water.
Make a list BEFORE you go shopping and stick to it. The average person spends and extra $10 each week at the store from picking up items they hadn't intended. Stick to your list and in a year, you could save $520!