$8 for Groove Hanger Bud Headphones, Including Shipping ($23.99 Value)
Before the invention of headphones, ears could only be ornamented with studs, pendants, and cumbersome Christmas lights. Add a more comfortable luster to your listening-parts with today's Groupon: for $8, you get a pair of Groove hanger bud headphones (a $19.99 value) including shipping (an average $4 value) from 2XL, a division of Skullcandy (a $23.99 total value).
- Expires Dec 4, 2011
- Limit 3 per person, may buy 1 additional as a gift.
- Limit 1 per order.
- Not valid until 9/5/11.
- Online only.
- Valid only toward 2XL Groove by Skullcandy Ratio earbuds.
Before the invention of headphones, ears could only be ornamented with studs, pendants, and cumbersome Christmas lights. Add a more-comfortable luster to your listening parts with today's Groupon for over-ear headphones from Skullcandy. Choose between the following options:
- For $15, you get a pair of Icon 2 Grenade headphones (a $29.99 value) including shipping (up to a $4 value; up to a $33.99 total value) in one of the following color combinations:
- For $23, you get a pair of Agent headphones (a $49.99 value) including shipping (up to a $4 value; up to a $53.99 total value) in one of the following color combinations:
- Expires Dec 7, 2011
- Limit 3 per person, may buy 1 additional as a gift.
- Limit 1 per order.
- Not valid until 9/8/11.
- Valid only for option purchased.
- Online only.
- Valid only toward Skullcandy 2010 Agent or Skullcandy Icon2 Headphones specified.
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