$15 for Jewelry and Swimwear from Kandi World
Jewelry, when worn tastefully, can bring out the color in people's eyes or the curves of their dorsal fins. Accentuate your finest features with today's Groupon to KanDi World's online store. Choose between the following options:
- For $15, you get $30 worth of jewelry and swimwear.
- For $25, you get $50 worth of jewelry and swimwear.
In a Nutshell
Fun collection of jewelry adorns wrists & necks with candy-inspired bracelets & necklaces that have been featured in myriad magazines.
The Fine Print
- Expires Mar 1, 2012
- Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as a gift.
- Limit 1 per order.
- Valid only for option purchased.
- Online only.
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